Hello World!

Feb 11, 2014 By:Jagaco

Hi everyone,

Today we are happy to celebrate the go live of the Jagaco Games website. Now I understand in order to get you to join our celebratory mood some introductions are in due, so here goes 🙂

We are a small team of Dutch game enthusiasts, with a passion for playing and creating games. We are a Team of five with three artists and two programmers with varying backgrounds, if you want to know more about us please see the About section.

We are currently working hard on our very first project, which we will unveil in the coming weeks.

We started this site to tell you about our projects and the challenges we have and will continue to meet during the development process.

At this moment we are in the process of setting up the site, so bear with us as we get all the info online .


For now, welcome and we hope that you will enjoy this adventure as much as we will 🙂